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Russian Ballet Association's Vaganova Examination

The Grand Ballet provides Vaganova ballet curriculum and examinations from Russian Ballet Association (RBA).


The Student’s Certificate Syllabus and Examination is an endorsement given to ballet students to ascertain their capability in dance performance based on the Vaganova method. It aims to professionally nurture students in attaining high standards in ballet in a systematic and progressive manner through standardization of the usually individualized content. Candidates’ performance will be evaluated by experienced examiners with great expertise, whose detailed feedback will be of immense benefits to them and their teachers to review different aspects of their learning and teaching, and make improvements.


Students are expected to take classes for 1 year to enroll in the examination. The syllabus of the RBA is based on the Vaganova method of classical ballet training, which puts equal attention on head, torso, arms and legs. Not only can students advance their technique in a progressive manner, they can also strengthen their artistry for stage performances.​

The Grand Ballet 提供來自俄羅斯芭蕾協會(Russian Ballet Association)的瓦崗諾娃芭蕾課程及考試。


教學大綱證書是專門頒發給那些有芭蕾表演能力並被瓦崗諾娃學派認可的學員。 目的在於鼓勵專業的學員達到更高標準和系統的進步,通常以個人內容進行標準化。 具有專業知識經驗的考官將會評測申請者的表演,巨大的收益可讓他們自己與教師們認識到修練及教學的不同形勢,從而達到改善。


學員為申請考試需預期上足一年的課程。 RBA是以瓦崗諾娃學派為基礎的教學體系, 對頭部、身體以及手腳都有平等的專注力。 不僅學生可以鞏固在技術技巧方面的進步, 他們更可以加強在舞台表演的藝術性。


© 2021 The Grand Ballet- Hong Kong

Room. 901-2, The Hennessy, 256 Hennessy Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (Wan Chai MTR Exit A3)

香港灣仔軒尼詩道256 The Hennessy 901-2室,(灣仔地鐵站A3出口) 

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